Cutter Cutshaw
Los Angeles based artist Cutter Cutshaw mixes the profane with the elegant. His mixed media pieces incorporate acrylic paint, ink, graphite and other raw elements such as paper and original photography which when combined transforms his canvases into gritty and hypnotic works of art.
But maybe the most alluring characteristic in Cutter’s work is the spirited and frantic energy he passionately applies to each piece. He approaches his work without a preconceived vision of the composition, but rather allows his instincts and impulse to guide and dictate the final vision. Whether applied to his new acrylic mixed media pieces, his world renowned digital art pieces or even his fine art photography… inspiration of life, love of art and people and his awareness that everything is connected guide him through every piece in every medium.
Cutter has recently re-invented himself as an artist in ways he never thought possible with his new acrylic mixed media pieces, which is a first for Cutter. His most recent series in this new medium, “Crossing Over”, is just that… a cross over venture from the digital arena into the raw traditional world of paint applied directly on canvas and paper.